Tonal Illustrations
My favourite medium for illustration is the humble graphite pencil, but I am proficient in gouache, watercolour, ink, pastel and oils. I majored in drawing at uni and have a Masters in Fine Art too. I especially work in a combination of mediums in my fine art practice. If you would like to know more about professional art you can have a look here:
I am currently available for maps drawing especially but covers, illustrations and end papers too.
I particularly love drawing maps and have studied many methods and approaches. This is my speciality.
These are mostly images from a world and series of stories I have been creating for many years. This is an unpublished work in progress, please feel free to contact me, if you would like to enquire about it.
Katiebell 2020
All images are subject to strict copyright laws, please do not use in any way without permission.